

Carolin Weinkopf, Ostkreuz, brennende Autos, burning cars, Firefighters, Feuerwehr
Carolin Weinkopf, Ostkreuz, brennende Autos, burning cars, Firefighters, Feuerwehr
Carolin Weinkopf, Ostkreuz, brennende Autos, burning cars, Firefighters, Feuerwehr
Carolin Weinkopf, Ostkreuz, brennende Autos, burning cars, Firefighters, Feuerwehr
Carolin Weinkopf, Ostkreuz, brennende Autos, burning cars, Firefighters, Feuerwehr
Carolin Weinkopf, Ostkreuz, brennende Autos, burning cars, Firefighters, Feuerwehr
All photos: Carolin Weinkopf

I was picking up a train ticket tonight at Ostkreuz when I saw tons of police and firemen running around. Seems as if some crazy person had decided to burn some cars again. It was insane, especially because the fire didn't seem to be controllable and the firemen actually pushed the flames from one car to another. I'm almost sure it was only one car that was put on fire (and it kept on lighting up again) - but the firemen concentrated on one car, while pushing the flames to the neighbouring cars, then trying to controll those, while the first car would already stand in flames again. What an embarrassing play to watch.

Dear Berlin firemen, this is not the first incidence of this kind. Please start practicing to extinguish burning cars, so you don't cause more damage than necessary. And dear firebugs: Please move to another city. WTF?!


A new life (and a used stroller).

The past months have been an exciting bundle of time, of joy and aches, of hopes and fears. I'm pretty much relaxed concerning the last tiny bit of this pregnancy (week 35 today...), so let's be optimistic it stays this way.

My greatest concern is finally out of way: N. and I have an apartment! And what an apartment, I can say! It's not what we planned for (as >>that<< had to be cancelled), but this way it turned out to be this kick-ass alternative (who can say anything against CHARMING, a balcony, an oriel and a VIEW?). There's still some little construction going on, but just for the good vibes, we've already brought some of our dearest stuff up there to make it feel a bit like home.

We've cried some tears out of awesomeness on the balcony together this weekend and can't wait for what's to come. N. will be moving back to Berlin within the next two weeks as well and it will be into this, into our place.

(We can also cross one of my wishes from the >>last post<< off of the list. We will have a bathtub! One that can fit the whole soon to be family!)

A huge thank you to our friends U. and R. who have helped us with this and them and the rest of our great new neighbours. I couldn't think of a greater environment to spend my days. Ever!

Oh yes, and I have to admit I bought a stroller as well. Finally found my choice in used for an incredible price in the outskirts of Berlin and had a lovely friend help me pick it up in his big car. Thank you, B. And isn't it the prettiest stroller - ever?

(Mini-me is jumping in excitement. And so are we.)

Carolin Weinkopf
Carolin Weinkopf
Carolin Weinkopf
Carolin Weinkopf
Carolin Weinkopf
Carolin Weinkopf
Carolin Weinkopf
Carolin Weinkopf
All photos: Carolin Weinkopf via iPhone



Berlin has decided to become a pressure cooker. I am back on my feet again, but now N. is knocked out by the weather. In the course of heat and sweat, I want to share my favourite picture from Barcelona. I wish Berlin was by the sea. Or at least that there was a pool in my courtyard (or a bathtub in my apartment...). *

Carolin Weinkopf, Spanien, Spain, Barcelona
Photo: Carolin Weinkopf



It's week 34 and today I collapsed during my acupuncture session. And I didn't sleep all night. I cooked a kick-ass vegetable soup but couldn't really eat any of it. As I am writing this, mini-me is trying to kick the macbook off of my belly. WTF?!

Carolin Weinkopf
Carolin Weinkopf
Carolin Weinkopf
Carolin Weinkopf
Carolin Weinkopf
All photos: Carolin Weinkopf via iPhone


BER vs. BCN.

Photos: Carolin Weinkopf via iPhone

So I miss the sun and the sea and the sand and the easy routine and especially the foreign. Editing and paperwork have become quite hard to get done, as my sciatic nerve is and has been tweeked by mini-me for some good six to eight weeks now. I'd love to hire an assistant to do all my desk work and just wander the city taking photos until early October. *Utopia.

I tried acupuncture today and am quite impressed with the instant results. Let's see if it helps on the long run. Happy tuesday. Life is good.


Last Chance.

As the belly is getting bigger and the aches are getting worse, I decided to give a last call for headshot or portrait shoots in Berlin within the next two to three weeks. >>Contact<< me for details!

Carolin Weinkopf, portraits, porträts, headshots, Schauspielerfotos, Berlin
Carolin Weinkopf, portraits, porträts, headshots, Schauspielerfotos, Berlin
Carolin Weinkopf, portraits, porträts, headshots, Schauspielerfotos, Berlin
All photos: Carolin Weinkopf


Happy Birthday.

Last but not least I want to put a huge heart out here for my sister J. It's her 30th birthday and I wish I could be with her today - but, buhu, we've got to wait two more weeks until we see each other again. I love you!

Photo: Carolin Weinkopf

iPhone Diaries #9: España.

Thank you so much for the overwhelming response to >>yesterday's post<< on traveling pregnant.

Here are some personal iPhone snapshots I took while in Spain. More to come within the next days.

Carolin Weinkopf, Spain
Carolin Weinkopf, Spain
Carolin Weinkopf, Spain
Carolin Weinkopf, Spain
Carolin Weinkopf, Spain
Carolin Weinkopf, Spain
Carolin Weinkopf, Spain
Carolin Weinkopf, Spain
Carolin Weinkopf, Spain
Carolin Weinkopf, Spain
Carolin Weinkopf, Spain
Carolin Weinkopf, Spain
Carolin Weinkopf, Spain
Carolin Weinkopf, Spain
Carolin Weinkopf, Spain
Carolin Weinkopf, Spain
Carolin Weinkopf, Spain
Carolin Weinkopf, Spain
Carolin Weinkopf, Spain
Carolin Weinkopf, Spain
Carolin Weinkopf, Spain
Carolin Weinkopf, Spain
Carolin Weinkopf, Spain
Carolin Weinkopf, Spain
Carolin Weinkopf, Spain
Carolin Weinkopf, Spain
Carolin Weinkopf, Spain
Carolin Weinkopf, Spain
All photos: Carolin Weinkopf via iPhone


Traveling pregnant.

Photo: taken by my fabulous sister J. with my dad's fabulous underwater camera.

When I booked my trip to Spain a few weeks ago, numerous people called me "brave" and articulated their concerns of me traveling at 31+ weeks pregnant. I'm so glad I didn't listen to any of them and just did what mini-me and my heart had told me: Get out and go!

Indeed I have not felt any better during my entire pregnancy than now. Warm sand has calmed my aches, mediterranean waves have rocked my baby, some of my favourite people have snuggled my belly and mini-me now responds to outside stimuli in such an impressive way. I couldn't possibly be more relaxed or happy.

I spent four days at the beach with my dad, my stepmother and my three siblings before my older sister and I took a bus to Barcelona and spent half a day shopping and half a day at the pool of our hotel in the city. I then settled over to dear friends for three days, spent my mornings and nights with them, great food and conversation, while using my days to stroll the streets, spent hours on subway trains or sitting on benches, observing city life around me. (Plus, I collected a bag full of smiles and winks and blinks by people passing by.)

It felt so right to be traveling again, which makes me optimistic for future plans (dreams), showing my baby the world and my special way of exploring it. Against all odds.


Excuse me.

It's been a while since my last post and I've received some concerned requests if I was alright. Just a quick answer: Yes, I am (besides that gigantonormous belly that appeared almost over-night, but I kind of like it...).

I've been working like a crazy person finishing up projects before I leave to Spain on tuesday to relax a bit with the family and possibly have my last tiny trip before >>this<< next big adventure. I had to realize I have to slow down now, and I will. I've also tried to get the best out of N's and my current long-distance situation, so I've used most of my free time for love and not much else.

Carolin Weinkopf
Carolin Weinkopf
Carolin Weinkopf
Carolin Weinkopf
All photos: Carolin Weinkopf via iPhone


iPhone Diaries #8.

It's been a really confusing week with lots of setbacks, especially concerning our future living situation. It really does not feel good to not be knowing where we'll be in only a few weeks time. I never thought I'd say this because usually I have no idea where I'll be next week and I love it, but hey, I'm on a very strong hormone cocktail over here that forces me to plan a bit ahead. Anyway, I am still optimistic by nature, but getting more and more worried each day. I want to sign something and I want to start making the new life happen right here, right now.

Mini-me will be here in 10 weeks. Can you believe that?

Carolin Weinkopf, iPhone, Berlin
Carolin Weinkopf, iPhone, Berlin
Carolin Weinkopf, iPhone, Berlin
Carolin Weinkopf, iPhone, Berlin
Carolin Weinkopf, iPhone, Berlin
Carolin Weinkopf, iPhone, Berlin
Carolin Weinkopf, iPhone, Berlin
Carolin Weinkopf, iPhone, Berlin
Carolin Weinkopf, iPhone, Berlin
Carolin Weinkopf, iPhone, Berlin
Carolin Weinkopf, iPhone, Berlin
Carolin Weinkopf, iPhone, Berlin
Carolin Weinkopf, iPhone, Berlin
Carolin Weinkopf, iPhone, Berlin
Carolin Weinkopf, iPhone, Berlin
Carolin Weinkopf, iPhone, Berlin
All photos: Carolin Weinkopf via iPhone

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