ICH SEH DAS SO. ICH SEH DAS SO.: 22 August 2012


A new life (and a used stroller).

The past months have been an exciting bundle of time, of joy and aches, of hopes and fears. I'm pretty much relaxed concerning the last tiny bit of this pregnancy (week 35 today...), so let's be optimistic it stays this way.

My greatest concern is finally out of way: N. and I have an apartment! And what an apartment, I can say! It's not what we planned for (as >>that<< had to be cancelled), but this way it turned out to be this kick-ass alternative (who can say anything against CHARMING, a balcony, an oriel and a VIEW?). There's still some little construction going on, but just for the good vibes, we've already brought some of our dearest stuff up there to make it feel a bit like home.

We've cried some tears out of awesomeness on the balcony together this weekend and can't wait for what's to come. N. will be moving back to Berlin within the next two weeks as well and it will be into this, into our place.

(We can also cross one of my wishes from the >>last post<< off of the list. We will have a bathtub! One that can fit the whole soon to be family!)

A huge thank you to our friends U. and R. who have helped us with this and them and the rest of our great new neighbours. I couldn't think of a greater environment to spend my days. Ever!

Oh yes, and I have to admit I bought a stroller as well. Finally found my choice in used for an incredible price in the outskirts of Berlin and had a lovely friend help me pick it up in his big car. Thank you, B. And isn't it the prettiest stroller - ever?

(Mini-me is jumping in excitement. And so are we.)

Carolin Weinkopf
Carolin Weinkopf
Carolin Weinkopf
Carolin Weinkopf
Carolin Weinkopf
Carolin Weinkopf
Carolin Weinkopf
Carolin Weinkopf
All photos: Carolin Weinkopf via iPhone

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