
Gone East.

It's cold and rainy and we are back in Berlin after 11 days on the road, more specifically Muscat, Oman for a job and Istanbul, Turkey for a long stopover to explore a bit and for photography, of course.

We had a great time, distressed by all kinds of stomach sicknesses (brought to us from Berlin, apparently), a lot of doctors and hospital visits, which definately is no fun, and even worse when being at the other end of the world, and even worse when your caretaker gets sick aswell. As I had to work and mini-me was feeling terrible, I was absolutely torn and tangled leaving him behind - what do you do if your baby is sick but you just definately have to finish that job?

Fortunately we managed somehow to survive these days, with the great help and devotion of my lovely friend J. (who magically managed to stay on his feet the days I needed him most, THANK YOU so much...) and little sleep and a good amount of tunnel vision.

Istanbul was lovely, relaxed and mostly healthy (Oh no, R.!), and definately needed to walk the stress out of our bones after Oman. I loved it all so much, though now I couldn't be more happy to just be back home again. Travel is my life elixir and always will be, but man, it's hard work these days! I feel so blessed to have these opportunities, but it's just a whole different story now compared to before. I might have to write a book about it, for therapy, you know.

The great thing is I always have a beauiful travel companion, smiling at me in the morning, reminding me to eat and sleep and breathe and who breaks the ice with the locals in a twinkle. Thank you, mini-me, for traveling with me and for being so damn patient most of the time.

Here's a sneak peak of my journey to the East. More to come, very soon.

Carolin Weinkopf, Oman, Muscat, Photography, Travel
Carolin Weinkopf, Oman, Muscat, Photography, Travel
Carolin Weinkopf, Oman, Muscat, Photography, Travel
Carolin Weinkopf, Oman, Muscat, Photography, Travel

Carolin Weinkopf, Turkey, Istanbul, Photography, Travel
Carolin Weinkopf, Turkey, Istanbul, Photography, Travel
Carolin Weinkopf, Turkey, Istanbul, Photography, Travel
Carolin Weinkopf, Turkey, Istanbul, Photography, Travel
Carolin Weinkopf, Turkey, Istanbul, Photography, Travel
Carolin Weinkopf, Turkey, Istanbul, Photography, Travel
All photos: Carolin Weinkopf

betsi (guest) - Thu Nov 14, 11:50

Ich freue mich, dass du wieder eine Möglichkeit hattest, (mit Kind) reisen zu können und dass du so wunderbare Fotos mitgebracht hast! Es muss ganz schön anstrengend gewesen sein, aber ihr seid ein gutes Team.
Die Fotos sind unglaublich gut und ich freue mich auf den Rest!

careaux - Thu Nov 14, 12:05

Danke Betsi,

es war mega anstrengend, aber ich würde es sofort wieder machen. Leider haben wir es jetzt mit einer noch mysteriöseren Krankheit zu tun. Drück die Daumen, dass es nichts schlimmeres ist.

Viele tolle Momente mit deinem Mini-Anton. Das ist die schönste, intensivste Zeit.

betsi (guest) - Tue Nov 19, 11:59

Ohje, mein Freund hatte es mit einer eigenartigen Magen-Darm-Grippe zu tun, als wir aus Nordzypern zurückkamen... Unschön. Hoffentlich geht das bald vorbei!
Und ja, ich genieße die Zeit - er ist immer wacher und aufmerksamer, gleichzeitig haben wir uns gut eingespielt; und ich staune immer wieder, wie klein er ist :)

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