ICH SEH DAS SO. ICH SEH DAS SO. - Morocco: Reflections I - Men and Women.
Nilla - Sat Oct 8, 10:38

"I guess it's nature that women, no matter how they are dressed and no matter how they behave, get herassed by some males all over the globe (...)"

Your text and pictures are wonderful, as usual.
But I just can't agree with this sentence.

Its not nature! It is the society and its norms, values, etc. Anyway, there has to be a possibility to change this. It is just upsetting me right now, because I am studying feminist theory at the moment and I am so sick of people telling me things like: Why do you need feminism, you have everything you want! But it is exactly those kind of men-women behaviour which happens everywhere all the time and we just take being harassed as a part of our female nature- IT IS NOT.

I just had to get rid of this. And again: I really liked the text. I hope we understand each other. ^^

careaux - Sat Oct 8, 11:41


maybe as I am not a English native, I wrote this but I didn't mean what you understood. I totally agree with your second paragraph, and I didn't mean to say it's part of female nature, I meant it is -sadly- part of male nature in the sense that it happens a lot. By this I wasn't meaning to write it's ok or that one has to accept this. It's the contrary.
I mainly wrote the text to express my a) frustration and b) my admiration for the women, because they really showed great solidarity towards each other and many of them stand up against this behaviour.
Nilla - Sun Oct 9, 00:34

I am not native either, so I am having some difficulties to make clear my point too.
I already assumed you didn't mean it that way. But I wanted to explain my uncomfortable feeling with this sentence, because in my experience a lot of people commonly use phrases like "women's nature" and also behave and believe "that's just the way things are". I didn't want to imply that you are okay with it or accepting it- that's evident from the total text. My intend was just to express that I didn't like the word choice at this juncture. But yet again, I'm might being a little to sensitive.



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