Last Chance.
I've been pretty busy enjoying December and trying to find back into a routine in Berlin. It's the first time in months I actually stayed in one place (home) for a while and I'm catching up on gossip and going out as well.
Forgive me for not sharing too much, but being back and being home doesn't really inspire me to take photos right now. Anyway, I've got much more time all of the sudden, as my new computer is so super fast that I only need to work half the hours now.
If you like, today and tomorrow are the last days I take Christmas orders for prints (only fuji chrystal archive paper, no fancy extra-würste). Just look around (also check out >>Facebook<< if my blog is too full for you) send me an >>email<< (to with a screenshot of what you like. I'll place my last order tomorrow (sunday) night. All prints will be signed and numbered and shipped to reach you before Christmas (only within Germany). I'll give a student discount and you'll also save some €€ if you order more than one.

All Photos: Carolin Weinkopf
I'll be back with many new photos next year.
[Photography] [Prints] [Sale]
Forgive me for not sharing too much, but being back and being home doesn't really inspire me to take photos right now. Anyway, I've got much more time all of the sudden, as my new computer is so super fast that I only need to work half the hours now.
If you like, today and tomorrow are the last days I take Christmas orders for prints (only fuji chrystal archive paper, no fancy extra-würste). Just look around (also check out >>Facebook<< if my blog is too full for you) send me an >>email<< (to with a screenshot of what you like. I'll place my last order tomorrow (sunday) night. All prints will be signed and numbered and shipped to reach you before Christmas (only within Germany). I'll give a student discount and you'll also save some €€ if you order more than one.

All Photos: Carolin Weinkopf
I'll be back with many new photos next year.
[Photography] [Prints] [Sale]
careaux - Sat Dec 17, 18:13